June is here! It brings the warm dawn of summer with it. The land is fully thawed & the blooms dance with the wind like teens at prom. This central arch in the year covers weddings, births, graduations & vacations for much of America. Many of our families use these opportunities & others to also acknowledge & honor the past. A reverence that provides clarity, looking towards the future with hope & optimism.
June has been known as the month of transition. In some ancient perspectives, it was believed that the month of June represented the halfway point of the year. Most likely due to the Summer Solstice, the day where the light & dark were equal. This month it will occur on the 21st. It was honored as a time of great transition, as the days began to grow shorter & the nights longer (in the Northern Hemisphere). This awareness of balance & change is so key for us today
For the ancients of the west, this was a time of youthfulness & marriage. For the Ankhu, this was a time of celebrations & of preparation for the blessed flood to come the following month. Brothers & Sisters today would benefit tremendously from increased experience of both balance & transformation. From the Arab invasions to western imprisonment to the civil rights movement to the present day, the fight for equality & justice has continued. We have experienced highs & lows, victories & setbacks. Why? For justice (balance) & transformation (sovereignty).
Can you identify a lesson from balance we can practice this June? Yes, we can! In order to be successful, we must strive for balance in all aspects of our lives. This means balancing our personal & professional lives, physical & mental health, & our relationships. Utilizing the various gifts of nature, celebrations, traditions & events that June presents to us is a great way to begin. It offers plenty of opportunities to improve health choices, patterns of speech, how we spend our time & how we utilize finances. We can foster a deeper connection with ourselves & nature & stronger bonds with those who we will enjoy these celebrations with. Avoid burnout & stay focused on our goals.
One of the richest opportunities June offers us is a frame & model for change. Change can be difficult & uncomfortable, but it is necessary for growth & progress. We can take steps with our physical health by starting our day with some sun & fresh air by taking a walk or hike. We can mirror the rise in heat by adding more spices & bitters to our meals. We can match the magic of the full Sagittarius moon by dreaming bigger than ever! Like the Solstice, we can give less light to the things that no longer serve us & more to that which does through the rest of the year.
A lesser known day is Juneteenth, a holiday that commemorates the emancipation of slaves in the United States. On June 19th,1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, & announced that all slaves were free. Despite the realities around this narrative, this day has become a symbol of freedom & liberation for African Americans. It will be a positive sign when there is an upgraded, well developed & widely celebrated commemoration of our people claiming the space on which they built the freedoms we enjoy. The spirit of freedom, of bounty & of beauty abounds at this time. Breath deeply from this amazing bouquet June offers & grow our communities to a height such that no one will ever have to announce our freedom for us; they will see it every time they look up.