You’re friend & brother K, wishing you another great day! Typically I post on Sundays however this week is special. It began on 9/9 & is culminating on this very special Friday the 13th. In light of the numerology of this week & the events occurring across the United States, I am bringing a special entry to the ELEVATED blog. Looking deeper into the mathematics of this time as well some of the challenges in the physical & political climate will uncover opportunities for us to rise as individuals & communities. Opportunities that can be pivotal in creating the world we long for & deserve.
The Math
No place like home to begin. 8 days ago, on the 5th of the month, a fire broke out here in southern California at 6pm. The Line Fire in San Bernardino County spread from Highland into the San Bernardino National Forest & continues to grow towards mountain communities such as Running Springs, less than 10 miles from my personal residence. As of today over 38,000 acres have burned while the fire is only 20-25% contained. Estimates say thousands have evacuated. It was very eerie seeing the caravan of vehicles speeding to the main road through the smoke filled night air last week. The days that followed have been an interesting revelation. Sorting through various items while contemplating what I would attempt to ‘save’ if the situation grew to inspire me to join the exodus. It also reveals one of the keys of the number 9. 8+1, 7+2. 6+3. 5+4, 9 is the cumulative power of the other digits joined in complement. Joined in a proper, harmonious relationship. It is also the final digit before leaving one dimension & entering the next. Reflective of the spiral image it takes to write the symbol we call 9, culmination & transition is core to its nature. The seekers on that resonate with ELEVATED9 innately vibe with this pattern. You can trace throughout your experience the various phases you have passed through in life. Cycles that are repeating for you; of people you meet, events you have partaken in & areas you have grown through. Each repeating over & over. For those on the 6, they are repeating on lower levels, while you on the 9 have experiences happening on higher & higher levels, until completely assimilated. Today, we combine this fortuitous number with yet another, 13. For eons known as a lucky & iconic number, even being the number of months in a year for most of the world. Perhaps because it is the number of lunar cycles in a year. Perhaps due to how it lines up with the menstrual cycles of our mothers, sisters & wives. It could be how it adds to the number 4, which represents foundation, stability & collaboration. While fires burn in California & Hurricane Francine tears through my home state of Louisiana, the math of today reminds us that we can choose to use these & all challenges to take us to the next level & build the foundations & collaboration that will make all the world we desire. Happy Friday the 13th family!
Building a Solid Foundation
Continuing with the mathematics that many Americans are unclear on, we have 53 days left until the general election on 11-5-2024. A month & two weeks after that the electors that were appointed by the popular vote meet to vote for the President. In case someone is confused, the general election does not select the President directly but the electors who will vote for the President based on their selected preference. This vote by the electors for the President & Vice President will happen 12-17-2024. Then Congress will count these votes on 1-6-2025 & the new President will be sworn in 1-20-2025. I will leave it to you to investigate the meaning of these numbers if interested. This year adds up to an 8 year & we are rolling into a 9 year. Matched with the value of the months & the days can be telling. In another vein, we can see how quickly this grand play is unfolding. I, & others, say regularly, a left wing & a right wing are attached to the same bird. Their consistent & coordinated movement are required to keep said bird flying in the direction it is going. Ideally, the majority of us would not run to fanciful illusions metaphysically or politically without getting the base facts in place & clear goals in sight. Every atrocity & mismanagement that has ever occurred in United States history has happened while both of the primary parties were in power. The thing we call the government is in unified cooperation. They are not fighting for the people who vote in the general election & those who choose not to. They are fighting for the interest of themselves & each other. Anyone who watched the “Presidential Debate” this week with an attachment to seeking truth & a moral code clearly saw this. Those with attachments to a team didn’t. The ELEVATED community is obviously beyond being sold on party lines knowing that what happened in healthcare, financial bailouts, legal disparities & the long list of injustices is going to be resolved by anything other than us being knowledgeable & proactive. We can learn the law. We can learn about & dictate our local elections & government. We can take active parts in our communities. We can do the adding & subtracting, multiplying & dividing that will set things in order for We the People.
Legends Perspective
The master thespian James Earl Jones, 93 & the master of ceremonies Frankie Beverly, 77, went on to be with the ancestors. One reason to bring them up is to honor their memory & contribution to the world & example to brothers like myself. May the rest in power. The other is to note that these are known entertainers. They are masters of using sound & images to create illusions to produce a mood in the people who witness their art. It was intended for anyone to think that Darth Vader or Mufasa were ‘real’. No one was to shape their entire life around a song. Yet these men exuded a genuineness & passion that seeped through their art & affected millions of lives in a way that none of our candidates for leadership have done. It is interesting to note that all of the years of political service of almost everyone that has touched a stage in this reality tv show we call the race to the Presidency has not portrayed a fraction of the sincerity & loved felt by these men who are self identified entertainers. They will be missed.
13, what’s your foundation?
ELEVATED community, this post was a bit informal & the information was varied. I am sure some learned something they didn’t know & some heard something they hadn’t heard before. My hope is that you will begin to look at the mathematics of your life, a subject we will return to from time to time. What age are you? Do you remember the changes over the decades of your life? Do you recognize the same old game being played when you see it? Closer to home, do you have clarity on your morals & attachment? Do you have clarity on your goals for the next year? 3 years? 5 years? Are you the type who would attempt bank fraud at Chase after seeing a video or are you the type who would verify via multiple independent sources that the video being used to claim certain people are eating cats had nothing to do with those people or that town? I am confident that this community are the seekers. We can all achieve higher levels of clarity, so continue to do so. One mind, one heart, one individual at a time, we will create the world we deserve. Question everything & keep rising.
Best & Better,